Virtual Exchange Joins Choirs from UNC Charlotte and Tohoku University

The UNC Charlotte Women’s Chorus, The Charlotteans, recently spent two weeks in a virtual exchange with choral students from Tohoku University, a UNC Charlotte institutional exchange partner since 2014. Through Zoom, the two choirs met for joint rehearsals and group discussions and together have created a combined performance.
See full article here.
Kazuko Suematsu, the Deputy Director of Tohoku University’s Global Learning Center, also shared, “I have seen many different online programs since the outbreak of COVID-19 but not like this. Thanks to the open-mindedness and also extensive resources of UNC Charlotte, the program turned out to be a great success with overwhelmingly positive feedback from Tohoku participants.”
Watch the virtual performance of an arrangement of the American folksong, “How Can I Keep From Singing?”