For Parents & Families
Safety & Security
UNC Charlotte takes student safety very seriously. All campus walkways, parking-lots, and building doorways are well-lit. UNC Charlotte police officers patrol campus 24-hours a day and are available to students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Officers patrol by car, bicycle, and on foot. UNC Charlotte police officers are certified by the State of North Carolina. Each officer went through extensive training and is certified in CPR/First Aid and AED. In addition, many police vehicles carry defibrillators.

More than 300 Emergency Phones are spread across campus and are marked by blue lights. Emergency operators are simply a button away. When a button is pressed campus police are immediately given the location of the emergency call.
In addition, UNC Charlotte sits directly beside the largest hospital in the university area, Atrium Health University City.
The safety and well being of all program participants is of paramount importance. As such, our office provides in-residence support for most of our programs. This individual will reside in the living community with participants to provide in-person, 24/7 support when needed.
Furthermore, our 24/7 After Hours phone number is shared with each program participant prior to their arrival during the Pre-departure Orientation. This number is managed by the resident assistant and professional staff at all times during the program.
Uploading money to your student’s ID Card
Interested in depositing money on your student’s UNC Charlotte student ID card for dining, printing, and other campus services? You can make a guest deposit here. Learn more about the 49er Account vs. the ODA Account here.